
Responsible for the content:


Isselburg Guß und Bearbeitung GmbH
Minervastrasse 1
46419 Isselburg

Tel.: 0 28 74 / 39-0


Managing Director:
Dirk Engels
Ralf Kaiser


Registration court/Responsible chamber/Supervisory authority:
HR B 8510 District court Coesfeld

VAT Identification Number (UStIDNr.):
DE 180 765 540

purchasing conditions
general terms and conditions
guiding principles

Made by:


KRAUSE & SCHWARZ GmbH medienagentur
Gelderner Straße 58
47623 Kevelaer

Tel.: 0 28 32 / 93 39-0

Responsible for the content:


Isselburg Guß und Bearbeitung GmbH
Minervastrasse 1
46419 Isselburg

Tel.: 0 28 74 / 39-0


Managing Director:
Dirk Engels
Ralf Kaiser


Registration court/Responsible chamber/Supervisory authority:
HR B 8510 District court Coesfeld

VAT Identification Number (UStIDNr.):
DE 180 765 540

purchasing conditions
general terms and conditions
guiding principles

Made by:


KRAUSE & SCHWARZ GmbH medienagentur
Gelderner Straße 58
47623 Kevelaer

Tel.: 0 28 32 / 93 39-0

Data-protection declaration

For staff, customers, supplier, other business partners, and potential customers and / or business partners:

Information on the collection of personal data

1. Introduction

We would like to point out that we collect, store, process, and utilise data collected on our suppliers, customers, other business partners, and potential customers and / or business partners. Specifically, this extends to names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and contact details of contacts, customer numbers as well as order and delivery details for the purpose of initiating, exercising, and executing contractual and supply agreements, including delivery, payment, and any other guarantee or product warranty.

The personal data collected by us is necessary for the conclusion and the execution of contracts. You are not obligated to provide this data. Without this data, however, we shall not be able to conclude a contract with you.

In this respect, data is processed based on Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that personal data is collected when users visit “” and other URLs. The same holds true for services offered via or on our websites. The term ‘personal data’ extends to any and all data relating to you, such as your name, address, email, and user habits.

2. Responsibility

In accordance with Articles 4 and 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the entity responsible shall be

Isselguss GmbH Gießereierzeugnis
Minervastraße 1
46419 Isselburg

Telephone: +49 (0)2874-39-0
Fax: +49 (0)2874-39200


You may contact the data-protection officer named in the provider identification in the imprint by email at Alternatively, you may send a letter to our postal address with the addition “data-protection officer”.

3. Data when making contact

When you make contact with us by email, the data that you have provided (your email address, and if applicable, also your name and your telephone number) will be stored in order for us to be able to answer your questions. We delete the data stored in these situations once it is no longer required or we limit the use thereof where legal retention requirements exist.

4. Passing on personal data to a third party

Personal data is not passed on to third parties, with the exception of the following:

  1. Passing on data to third parties called upon for the fulfilment of contractual and delivery agreements, such as banks / payment service providers handling payments as well as delivery staff of transport and shipping companies;
  2. Passing on data to third parties called upon by ourselves in the framework of marketing and advertising our own products and services, such as marketing service providers such as print houses;
  3. Passing on data to third parties to which data must be passed on by law, such as the tax authority or other state authorities;
  4. passing on data for the fulfilment of our trade and tax-related duties, such as our tax advisor.

Data is only passed on to a third country outside the European Union which is not a contracting state to the agreement on the European Economic Area if such a transmission of data is necessary in order to fulfil a contractual agreement between us and you (e.g. delivery to a third country).

Data shall only be processed for the duration of the initiation and the handling of the contractual and delivery agreement and for the duration of the responsibilities arising from said contractual or delivery agreement, such as any and all product-liability obligations, as well as for the duration of legal retention periods in trade or tax legislation.

Regarding the processing of data for the duration of retention periods as required by trade and tax legislation, any such data shall be processed based on Article 6, Paragraph 1,c of the General Data Protection Regulation.

5. Routine deletion and blocking of personal data

The person and / or entity responsible for the processing of data shall only process and store personal data of the person in question for the duration required for fulfilling the purpose of storage of said data or for the period envisaged by European guideline and regulators or any other legislator in laws and regulations and by which the person and / or entity processing the data may be bound.

Should the purpose of data storage cease to exist or should the retention period set by the European regulatory body responsible for guidelines and regulations or indeed any other competent legislator expire, personal data shall be deleted or blocked routinely and in accordance with the legal regulations.

6. Data protection for applications and during the application process

The person and / or entity responsible for processing the data, shall collect and process the personal data of applicants for the purpose of handling the application process. Processing may also be in electronic form. This is the case particularly when the applicant has sent their application electronically, for example by email or via a web form on the website, to the person and / or entity entrusted with processing said application. Should the entity and / or person responsible for processing the data enter into an employment contract with the application, then the data submitted for the purpose of handling the employment relationship shall be store with adherence to any legal retention periods that may apply. Should the person(s) in charge of processing such data not enter into an employment contract with the applicant, then the application document shall be deleted with months after announcing the decision. This shall apply unless the deletion of such data does not violate other legitimate interests that might exist for processing said data on the part of the person(s) responsible. In this sense, other legitimate interests may be, for example, an obligation to prove the equality of the process in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Your rights

In line with Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right of information as to whether or not we process personal data, and you may have the right of information regarding said personal data as well as the right of information regarding the following data in particular:

  • the purpose of processing;
  • the category of such data;
  • the recipient or categories of recipients to whom said data is disclosed or will be disclosed;
  • the planned duration of data storage or, in the event that this should not be possible, the criteria for determining said duration.

In addition to this, you also have the right under Article 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation to request us to correct data concerning you should your personal data be incorrect or incomplete. Under Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to deletion of your personal data, and under Article 18 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to limiting the processing of your personal data.

In accordance with Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to object to the processing of data concerning you. This shall apply if reasons exist that are a result of your particular situation, and this rule shall be applicable to personal data processed based on Article 6, Paragraph 1, e or f of the General Data Protection Regulation. The same shall apply for profiling supported by these regulations.

Moreover, according to Article 21, Paragraph 2 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to object the processing of data concerning you for the purpose of direct advertising; the same shall apply for profiling unless such an act is related to direct advertising.

In accordance with Article 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to data portability.

Should the processing of the personal data concerned be based on your consent, then you have the right to withdraw any such consent at any time. The legitimacy of the processing of data resulting from such a consent up until the point of objection shall not be affected by this.

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your data is in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation or that you data-protection rights may have been violated in any other way, you have the right to file complaint with the regulator, especially with the regulator responsible for us. The regulator responsible for us is the state official for data protection of the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Data-protection declaration

Collecting personal data when you visit our website:

1 Data protection at a glance

General notices

The following notices will give you a brief overview of what happens with your personal data when you are visiting our website. Personal data refers to any data with which you can personally be identified. For detailed information on the matter of data protection, please refer to our data-protection declaration below this text.

Data collection on our website

Who is in charge of collecting data on this website?

Data on this website is processed by the website provider. You may find their contact details in the imprint of this website.

How do we collect your data?

One way in which your data is collected is by you providing data to us. This may, for example, be data that you enter into a contact form.

Other data is collected automatically by our IT systems when you visit our website. For the most part, this is technical data (e.g. Internet browser, operating system or the time at which a specific page was viewed). This data is collected automatically and as soon as you visit our website.

For which purpose do we utilise your data?

A part of this data is collected in order to guarantee the error-free provision of this website. Other data may be used to analyse your usage behaviour.

What are your rights regarding your data?

You have the right to receive information free of charge and at any time as to the origin, recipient, purpose of the personal data stored on you. Moreover, you have the right to demand the correction, blocking or deletion of your data. For questions regarding this and other data-protection matters, you may contact us at any time at the address listed in the imprint. In addition this, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant regulator. Furthermore you have the right, under specific circumstances, to demand that

the processing of your personal data be limited. Details regarding the above can be found in the data-protection declaration under “The right to limiting the processing of your data”.

2 General notifications and mandatory information

Data protection

The providers of these websites take protecting your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data as confidential and in accordance with the relevant legal data-protection regulations as well as this data-protection declaration.

When you visit this website, different types of personal data are collected. Personal data refers to any data with which you can personally be identified. This data-protection declaration explains which data is collected and for what purpose we utilise it. This data-protection declaration also explains how and for what purpose this is done.

We would like to point out that data transmission over the internet (e.g. in email communications) may have security gaps. Complete protection of your data from third parties accessing cannot be guaranteed.

Notification regarding the responsible authority

The entity in charge of data processing on this website is the following:

Isselguss GmbH Gießereierzeugnisse

Minervastraße 1

746419 Isselburg


Management and the people responsible for the content of this website are the following:
Dirk Engels, Ralf Kaiser

Telephone: +49 (0)2874-39-0
Fax: +49 (0)2874-39200


The entity responsible is a natural or legal person who makes decisions as to the purpose and the means for processing your personal data (e.g. names, email addresses, and similar) either on their own or in conjunction with others.

Withdrawing your agreement to the processing of your data

Many data-processing processing are only possible with your explicit consent. You may withdraw previously-given consent at any time. An informal email sent to us is sufficient for this purpose. The legitimacy of any and all data processes until the time of withdrawal of permission shall not be impacted.

The right of objection to data collection in special

Cases as well as against direct advertising (Article 21 of the GDPR)

When data is processed based on Article 6, Paragraph 1 lit. e or f GDPR, you shall have the right to object the processing of personal data as this arises from your specific situation at any time; the same shall also apply to any profiling performed based on these regulations. The legal grounds on which the processing of your data is based can be found in this data-protection declaration. Should you object, your personal data shall no longer be processed unless we can prove that compelling and legitimate reasons exists for the processing of said data that may outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms. Alternatively, this may apply when the processing of your data serves the exercising, exertion or defence of legal rights (objection in accordance with Article 21, Paragraph 21 GDPR).

Should your personal data be processed for the purpose of direct advertising, you shall have the right to object the processing of data concerning you for the purpose of direct advertising; the same shall apply for profiling unless such an act is related to direct advertising. In the event that you object to the processing of your personal data, any such data shall no longer be used for the purpose of direct advertising following this (objection in accordance with Article 21, Paragraph 2 GDPR).

The right to file a complaint with the competent regulator

In the event of GDPR violations, the person(s) concerned shall have the right to file a complaint with the competent regulator, in particular in the member state of their ordinary residence, their place of work or the place of the alleged violation. The right to file a complaint shall remain regardless of other administrative legislation or judicial litigation.

The right to data portability

You have the right to have data handed to you or a third party in a conventional, machine-readable format. This shall apply to any and all data that we have processed automatically based on your consent or in relation to fulfilling a contract. In the event that you should demand that your data be transmitted directly to another person responsible, this shall only be done if it is feasible in technical terms.

SSL or TLS encryption

For security and for the protection of confidential content, such as orders or enquiries sent to us as the website provider, are encrypted using SSL or TLS encryption. You can recognise an encrypted connection by the address bar of the browser switching from “http://” to “https://”. In addition to this, you will see a padlock symbol in the browser line.

When you have SSL or TLS encryption enabled, data transmitted to us cannot be read by a third party.

Information, blocking, deletion, and correction

In the framework of the applicable legal regulations, you have the right of information free of charge and at any time regarding your stored personal data, its origin and recipient as well as the purpose of the processing of such data. You may also have the right to correction, blocking or deletion of said data. For questions regarding this and other matters relating to your personal data, you may contact us at any time at the address listed in the imprint.

The right to limiting the processing of your data

You have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be limited. For this purpose, you may contact us at any time at the address listed in the imprint. You have the right to limitation of the processing of your data in the following cases:

If you dispute the accuracy of your personal data stored with us, we usually require time in order to look into such a matter. For the duration of our investigation, you shall have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be limited.

If the processing of your personal data was / has been performed in an unlawful manner, instead of deletion of your data, you may demand that the processing of your data be limited.

If we no longer require your personal data but you need it for the purpose of exercising, defending or claiming legal entitlements, you shall have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be limited. This is in place of the deletion of your data.

If you have filed an objection in line with Article 21, Paragraph 1 GDPR, yours and our interests must be balanced. As long as it has not been established whose interests prevail, you shall have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be limited. Should you have limited the processing of your personal data, any such data may – with the exception of storing it – be processed only with your consent

Or for the purpose of exercising or defending legal claims or for the purpose of protecting the right of other natural or legal persons or on the grounds of public interest of the European Union or one of its member states.

3 Data protection officer

Data protection officer mandatory by law

We have appointed a data protection officer for our business.

Wolfgang Renner


4 Data collection on our website


Some of these websites use what is referred to as cookies. Cookies do not do any damage to your machine, and they do not contain viruses. Cookies are intended to make our offers more user-friendly, more effective, and more secure. Cookies are small text files that are deposited on your machine and saved by your browser.

Most cookies that we use are what is referred to as “session cookies”. These cookies are deleted automatically after 1 month. Other cookies remain saved to your end device until they are deleted. These cookies allow us to recognise your browser upon your next visit to our website.

You can apply browser settings that inform you when cookies are placed on your machine, and you can allow cookies on a case-by-case basis. You can allow cookies in specific cases or you can disallow them in general. In addition you can activate browser features that automatically delete any cookies when you close your browser. Deactivation cookies may impact on the functionality of this website.

Cookies required for electronic communication processes or for the provision of specific features desired by you (e.g. shopping-basket feature) are saved based on Article 6, Paragraph 1 lit f GDPR. The website provider has a legitimate interest in saving cookies in order to guarantee an optimised provision of services free of technical errors. Should other cookies (e.g. cookies aimed at analysing your surfing habits) be stored, then these shall be addressed separately in this data-protection declaration.

We do not store your IP address or any other personal data.

Isselburg, 28/05/2018

Last updated on: 25/09/2018

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